Wednesday, December 20, 2006

~ On the 4th day of Shopping... My truelove bought for me...~

It is officially the 20th of December and I am sure that all the slackers in the world are not worried about getting presents for there family and friends. Why, should they? They still have 4 days left. And as everyone knows the best day to go shopping is December 24th, before everything closes early! That is how my parents did it. And always the best presents were sold out at the store long before.

Well, I on the other hand do not have to worry about this for my kids. I have a whole closet filled with Brand New toys so they can have Christmas every year till they are teens. Girls, stop playing with Barbies at 10 to 13 right? Well, I have enough to surpass that stage then. In fact usually 10 or younger girls will start wanting more electronic stuff. I remember when I was a girl. And a simple Barbie or 2 would excite me beyond belief! I would play for days with different sinarios and never get bored.

Who could get bored with Barbie and all her clothes and friends! Common' ! So, with that said, whilst the rest of the world worries about what to by Johnny. I already have the presents under the tree. I think I will go have a glass of Hot cocoa and sit stress free :)

Till after the Holidays, And may yours be Merry!!!
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