Thursday, November 15, 2007
~An Enlighting Conversation about Space Aliens~

Do you believe in Aliens or other life forms that might roam the planet? If you do or don't you still might want to read this. There are thousands of people all over the place that believe they have been indeed abducted by aliens. Have you been? Well I'm not making fun of anyone. Seriously I believe just about anything can happen on this crazy planet. So with that said, make sure you follow these simple common since rules if you happen to be all alone on a dark road and you find your self encountering more than you bargained for!
If in shock run don't walk!: Ok people! This is a big thing! This is like one of the most biggest things in the world. If you see a UFO and your in your car, then drive off as soon as possible. Don't be like the people on tv that are abductees. They say: "I saw this pretty light and I wanted to see what it looked like up close!" Or such things like, "I wanted to see what it was all about." You've heard the stories. You know what it wants to do. Don't get out of the car. Drive off. And drive off fast. Because chances are if you see this thing, then you know what it's gonna do to you. It's just sitting there waiting like a spider to catch it's bait.
~ But the colors are sooo alluring! ~
Uhhh Yeah. You think it's gonna catch a person without it's pretty alluring colors. Ummm no. Most people are smart enough to not go near something that is ugly and not colorful. They know this. So realize it's all trickery! All of it I say! Forget about the pretty colors. And under no circumstance go outside of the vehicle. Anyways why is your Vehicle still there? Like shouldn't you have drove away by now? Forget about the pretty colors! Seriously! Go look at Christmas tree lights for pretty colors!
~ But my friend already got out of the car! ~
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh, this calls for disparate measures. You want to get your friend fast. Like I mean, super sonic fast. Like get out of the car only to retrieve your friend. Throw him in the car. And drive that baby the heck out of dodge. But whatever you do, whatever you do.. DO NOT STAY out of the car long! NO! Then you will get ration burns and also you'll start to act crazy and pass out. All that junk. Then you'll be easier to take aboard there planetary hovering disk. And don't argue with your friend to get in the car. If they are like, "Wait, I wanna see this." Don't tell them no. Just throw them in the car and drive off. Remember they will thank you later for it.
~ Tried to do, but the Car won't start. ~
Ok. Don't panic. You have to try the car 2 more times. But fast. Like make a bunny and do it fast. Like really fast. Like hurry. Try it 2 more times. If it doesn't work on the 2nd time. It's time to vacate the car ASAP. Yes, they will find you in the car. Let's not be stupid! And you don't wanna wait in the car long. Sure you might get abducted if you go outside the car, but come on, at least make them have to search to find you. The longer you stay in the car your like a sitting duck! Yes a sitting duck. They know right where to find you. You're right there. Yes right there! UGH! So hurry. Fast now! Right now! And hide in a tree or behind bushes. Anything. Or a house or shed whatever you can find near you. It is still a slim chance, but it's better than sitting there.
~Tried not to panic, but I saw one moving in the Craft~
Oh this is really bad. This is like, you know now that Aliens exist and they are here. So this is like time to forget about the fears and run. Go hide like I said in the above. Hide, Hide. Do it now!
~ OK, I hid. I think they are gone now! ~
You think? What! What's this about think? Your not supposed to be thinking at a time like this. How do you know they are gone? Have you ever been in this situation before? Do you know how long aliens wait before they stop looking for someone? NO I didn't think so. I don't either, but before you make your self known at least wait longer. Like a lot longer. Maybe till morning if you have to. Like morning when there is light. And a lot of light out. I'm not saying aliens still won't take you in the morning. But it's a lot harder for them to hide and more people could easily see you. So make sure that you wait it out till you can at least see.
~It's not morning yet,
but there are people talking. Can I come out now? ~
What kind of people? Do you hear voices? I'm confused. How long have you been waiting. Voices. How do you know they are people voices? Did you know aliens can act like people! So don't trust anything right now. They are playing with your mind people!
~ It's morning. I think I can come out now. ~
Ok if you are 100% sure the coast is clear. Then go to your car, but hurry. If they are really gone your car should start up. Does it start up? If so this is a good clue the aliens are gone and you can make it to your destination.
~ Yep, the car starts. But I can't find my friend! ~
UGH! Well you were supposed to take your friend with you to hide! You hid all night without your friend? What kind of friend are you? That's ok. Don't panic. Jump out of the car really fast look around for your friend for a couple of minutes and if that fails. Yell friends name! Friend should come if friend is not abducted!
~ Ok, my friend heard me. They are in the car now too. ~
Oh then! Get the show on the road! GO GO GO! And whatever you do, make sure to never to go back to the place you were at where you saw the UFO ever again less it is 100% necessary!
I hope some of the tips helped you. Remember this is for entertainment purposes only with some good ideas. If you are really ever abducted by aliens or find your self in situation where it might arise I can not tell you 100% that these tips will help you in you situation. And if you decide to get out and take pictures in hopes of fame and fortune, then your luck is all in your own hands at that one.
Also be warned I am not responsible for your actions. Just tips people! Just good advice that is all I have to offer. And if you get out and approach the ufo then know in good faith you might just be abducted by the aliens... Ok with that said. Have fun and Godspeed.
The above post was written By: Me for Associated Content. However, they rejected it saying that it was well written, however people are not looking for this kind of info on the internet!