Thursday, November 29, 2007
~ The Great Target -Non- Return Policy ~
Not, to sound like Yoda, but saddened I am. I have had the shame from a store I love. I love this store more than all other major retailers. Why? Might you ask? Well it's Target! And it used to be the best place to get all the fun stuff and the clearance sales on all the items! Woah! Well, this gal has some problems with her ex major favorite retailer.
As the story goes:
Objective: To Return a -non- open Early Birthday Present

My birthday is Christmas eve, eve. For all you that might not understand my lingo that would be December 23rd. This girl will be 28! Yes, yes. I will be quite old. Well, let us not rub it in! I am still under 30, so blah. ANYHOW... I had a present that was presented to me. Let us not get into it. It was something I could not use. It was $49.99. However, I had not idea as to the cost, I just know I could not use it. So, I decided that I would have to return it. The present giver told me they had purchased it at Target. Ok, no fret. I had not returned anything to Target in such a time however, this store is the best! So, how could they refuse me.
~Upon walking in~
I was there with my brother and thankful for it. I came into the store and the buzzer with off. The buzzer that says you stole something. So, this girl, probably younger than 20 ran to me. And she said, do you want to purchase that. I looked at her like she was retarded since I was still lurking in the door way with arrival into the store. I said, "Umm.. No, it was a gift and I need to return it." She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh." And she walked back over to the customer service desk. I stood in line and 5 minutes later she yelled, "I can take you." I went up to her and she said, "How, can I help you?" I said, "I needed to return this. This item is not compatible with the item it was for."
I think I must have confused her with the word, "compatible" because she looked at me like she had no idea as of what I was saying. She said, "Oh. Well where is the receipt?" I said, "It was a gift I do not have a receipt." She said, "Oh." And she said, "Well, if it is over $20.00 we will not give you store credit and you have to keep it." This was not posted anywhere on there policy on the board behind her. I said, "Well, can you just give me store credit?" She looked at me and scanned it and said, "No, it is $49.99. It is over $20.00, so I can do nothing with it." UGH! I said, "Fine!" And left.
~ On the Internet ~
I thought she was just being a bitch. So I looked it up online and all I have to scream is WHY, TARGET, WHY!!! Ok, enough for dramatics for tonight, but other patrons are having just as much troubles. And, it is going much deeper. I guess according to other's stories I have heard Target is not only allowing people to return stuff that is under $20.00 without a receipt, but one can only do it 2 times in 365 days. I guess they are collecting names and stuff and refusing people if they have done it more than twice.
~ My Last Words ~
I understand some policies have to be enforced due to people that steal and return items. But, I was returning a brand new item never opened or used. And it was worth $49.99. They could just reshelve it and make there money back. I was just asking for store credit. Instead, I was treated like a crook upon entrance. Will I ever shop at Target again? Yes, why? Because, as stated I love there fun items and sales. Like, I got my Hello Kitty iPod charging alarm clock there it was normally $50.00 every where else, but I found mine in clearance with 5 other ones for $12.49. And, usually I do like them better than Walmart or Meijer. So, yes I am still forced to shop there. I just hope they understand that they are being meanies and change! Fat chances for changing the Fat Cats, er dogs ???