Saturday, December 01, 2007

~ Happy December! ~

It just now occurred to me that I did not do "rabbit, rabbit" UGH! But, not to fret! I am not destined for back luck all winter! All I have to do is when I go to sleep tonight remember to say, "Tibbar, Tibbar." As my last words and good luck can be salvaged! Yay!

If you think I am insane or your just wondering what I am talking about, I will explain! Do I not always explain? Of course I do.

It was thought in older days that if the 1st words out of your mouth upon waking up were, "Rabbit, Rabbit" before you said anything else, on the 1st of each month, you would have good luck that whole month.

Hey, do not take my word for it. It is a large superstition! In fact you can read all about it on, wikipedia. Here -------->

But, they say to say, "Rabbit, Rabbit white Rabbit." Never heard it that way! Hmmmm. I know I have to fix it with the backwards chant. Whilst I do that I might as well spin around 3 times and throw salt over my shoulder. If I could only remember what shoulder it is to throw salt over...........

May all your Rabbits Be Merry and Black... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Happy December!! :)


Posted by *X* @ 11:33 AM 0 comments