Sunday, December 02, 2007
~ Not so Associated any more ~
This is a rant about Associated Content, you know the company that "pays" you to write articles. I had been writing for them for a small while. And I had thought I was the only one that got rejected for well written articles. I have heard many excuses from them telling me my article was well written, but not what the internet viewer was looking for. Right...
I found out today I am not alone! I happened to be browsing blogs today from fellow bloggers, and I have came across a blogger that is having the same problem I am with Associated Content.
Blogger's name: Denise Kincy Grier
-----> Freelancing Journey
Article about Associated Content:
-----> Finished with Associated Content
I find her blog to be terrific and I believe that she writes wonderfully. And if anything she has turned into Associated Content was like of that, that is on her blog, it should have been accepted.
I did once as well make a little money with Associated Content. That time is over however. I happened to just get into it before they started to only want to pay for page views. So, when I say a little money, I mean A LITTLE MONEY!
And I was quite dedicated to it too. I thought, "Wow, a way to make money at home." And since my 1st set of articles did seem to get $5.00 or more per an article I was rejoicing as I could put out 10 articles a day.
However, that soon turned. I do believe that they should either post topics of the "articles" they are looking for or just post plainly that they only want to pay per a view with a penny. HA! Since that happens to be all they are up to doing now. My last 5 articles were rejected, but they said I could place them on there for no money and make the penny per a view. Yeah, uh... NO! Why, have them make money for Google ad hits that my article provides for them while I get my penny. They get a lot more.
So in closing, I decided that it is just time for me to, "REJECT" Associated Content.
