Thursday, November 30, 2006
~ And the Christmas Trees were Up! ~
Yes, Thanksgiving ended yet too soon! And I can not believe it has been a week since it has been said and done. Wow, I have been busy! And yes, Black Friday was a big shopping day yes indeed. I had problems with the whole ordeal let me elaborate on shall I?

The Objective: To get an iPod ------->


Where I reside from there are a chain of supermarket/clothing stores (think Walmart), but the store is called Meijer (pronounced Meyer). Well, since the iPods were a rather big hit this year with the 80 gigs of music and video fun, Meijer decided that there "Black Friday" sale would include these for the ever cheap whooping $250.00 in your choice of black or white!
My parents knew I wanted one for Christmas so they gave me the money to purchase one! So, at 10:30pm on Thanksgiving (since there sale starts at midnight!) My brother and I went to the lovely Meijer to purchase my iPod. So, we got there and the line was horrid. Seriously, I had not seen this many people in such a long time. They started telling people to get in a single file line. So people started to. And we waited for a while, when we at 10 till Midnight we were informed that they had, had a limited amount of iPod's, however due to a stupid employee giving them out at 9:00pm on Thanksgiving to the price to the 1st people that came there they were no longer in stalk and THEY WOULD NOT BE GIVING RAINCHECKS!
There was a fight with all the people. Geez, I could not make this shit up if I wanted to. It was funny and both a let down at the same time! So, laughing in the inside I also expressed my words vocally and the people got in little groups. We formed a circle and I came up with the ideas, and a big mouthed lady vocally expressed them very loudly! We were all told to please leave less there was something else we wanted to purchase. So with all the people expressing how they would not purchase anything from there ever again. Ahhh... Funny how it is!
So, my brother and I decided we might have better luck at another Meijer! We went to 4 more. All with the same story, of them being out! So, I remembered that Walmart matches other stores prices. So, this girl called around to Walmarts. It was now, about 2:30am. So, a Walmart store finally picked up the phone and I explained it all the woman. She said, they would indeed honor it. I asked to make sure, because this Walmart was 40 minutes away and I wanted to make sure. They agreed that she was indeed positive that they would do it for me. However, when I arrived there the story had changed. And now, they told me that there was no way they would honor it and I was told to rudely leave. I explained that I had traveled far and I got a snare! So, they said all they could say is that were sorry I had been miss informed on the phone.
BLAH! So the next day I called the Walmart and spoke to the director of the Store, whom said that since it was a put in the Meijer add as a coupon they would not honor it. And we had a 30 minute phone interview. And he kept saying he could not do it. I said you are over the store, you can do it, if you wanted to do it. And I told him that he did not want a made customer, and they should not say they honor ads when they do not and blah blah, but you get the point!
Anyways he was rude and told me no. So, I called an hour later and talked to the manager over the electronics. And he said no, we talked for 15 minutes. So then, I called the store director and I argued about it again. He kept saying he could not do it. We talked another 15 minutes. Then he said he was busy. So then about another hour later I called again. LOL! This time he said he would take down my number and call me if the situation changed! Cha ching! We have a situation that might change! LOL! Something that they told me was no way and would not happen was about to happen.
So, in about a couple hours they called me back and said that they would indeed let me get an iPod today for $250.00. Yay! So I went and picked it up. LOL! Walmart hated me, but I got my way! And seriously, I made many great points how if they say they honor ad's they have to honor them or do not say it! It looks like this girl got it done for other people as well!!! They said that anyone else could get it that day as well! And I only had to call and negotiate 1 million times!!! :)
Monday, November 20, 2006
~ Turkey Day 2006 ~
Turkey day is coming up... and you know what? I will not be eating turkey! Why might you ask? Simply, because I am a vegetarian! You know we are an ever growing bread! Once the veggiepires bite you and replace your blood with chlorophyll there is just no going back to the the village of meat eating. So, for you few and then some fellow vegetarians like myself, I offer you only a few veggie recipes! Yay! And you meat eaters can throw them in for your thanksgiving as well... snare!
Pumpkin Casserole
BY: Lori DeLosh
* 2 cups pumpkin puree
* 1 cup evaporated milk
* 1 cup white sugar
* 1/2 cup self-rising flour
* 2 eggs
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1/2 cup butter
* 1 pinch ground cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Combine the pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, flour, eggs, vanilla, melted butter and ground cinnamon to taste. Spoon into a casserole dish.
3. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 1 hour.
Sweet Potato Casserole
By: Kelley
* 3 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes
* 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/3 cup eggnog
* 2 tablespoons margarine, melted
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 2 egg whites
* 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
* 2 tablespoons butter
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Coat one 2 quart baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Combine the mashed sweet potatoes, 1/3 cup brown sugar, eggnog, melted margarine, vanilla extract, salt and egg whites. Spoon mixture into the prepared baking dish.
3. Combine the 1/2 cup brown sugar and flour. Cut in the chilled 2 tablespoons margarine until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle over the sweet potato mixture.
4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 minutes.
Almond Green Beans
- 1 (15 ounce) can green beans
- 1 (14 ounce) can canned stewed tomatoes
- Italian seasoning to taste
- 1/3 cup sliced almonds
1. In a pot over medium heat, cook the green beans and tomatoes until heated through. Season with Italian seasoning. Stir in the almonds just before serving.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
~ Welcome, Embrace the insanity! ~
I guess I must introduce myself! If you really would like to know. I am 26, a mom, a writer, and oh so much more and I live some where out there in cyberspace. And yes, I assure you, I am real. What can you expect to see here? Well, geez I have not a clue! You just never know what I will decide to write about! And that is a fact.
I might just ramble on about nothing all day! But, I know you will understand! So, if you have come this far! Welcome! I promise to try to be any and everything to you. Well, whatever one can be online. Let us not lie! Who likes those internet liars anyways! Not me!!!! :)
My Photo:
Now, you know who your writer is!!