Monday, September 16, 2013
We've got a problem! Some where in the internet.. the wires.. they got crossed..................
You may now HIDE YOUR KIDS!
Nah. This is not a hatin' on Miley Cyrus thread. NOT AT ALL! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do after all she's like what? 20.. or something? I mean she is getting old by hollywood standards now days..
It is nice to see that the young woman has NOT gone along with the hollywood stereo type of getting plastic surgery! I mean look.. .everything is still there and still in tact! No boob implants...
And definitely no ass implants..................
So............ why all the hub bub? Sure she might have tons of pre-teen girls wanting to be like her... but as long as her ass looks like Hank Hills I think we are good...........
Nope. I am not hating on Miley! I say in the end ... if it Makes her feel good.. then GO and Do it! :P
Get what I did there? I said.. IN the END. :P
Oh SNAP! What a come back..........
AND IT IS GOOD TO BE back :P (Sadly my smiley face's tongue is not as long as Miley's.)
Sweet bubble gum princess turned into this................................
Nah. This is not a hatin' on Miley Cyrus thread. NOT AT ALL! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do after all she's like what? 20.. or something? I mean she is getting old by hollywood standards now days..
It is nice to see that the young woman has NOT gone along with the hollywood stereo type of getting plastic surgery! I mean look.. .everything is still there and still in tact! No boob implants...
And definitely no ass implants..................
So............ why all the hub bub? Sure she might have tons of pre-teen girls wanting to be like her... but as long as her ass looks like Hank Hills I think we are good...........
Nope. I am not hating on Miley! I say in the end ... if it Makes her feel good.. then GO and Do it! :P
Get what I did there? I said.. IN the END. :P
Oh SNAP! What a come back..........
AND IT IS GOOD TO BE back :P (Sadly my smiley face's tongue is not as long as Miley's.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I feel so horrible today. As, I am sure you have heard Heath Ledger has died. He was such an amazing actor and one of a favorites of mine!
I feel so sorry for his family and his loved ones. He will be missed. And the movie industry has lost an amazing, inspiring, actor!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Ahhh! I look like a slacker! Seriously, I have not applied my blog work to here recently! Let's all laugh at me!! But, I have been writing! So, even though I did not update it in a while, here goes! I will be putting on what I have written and on the days I wrote them. In the order that they were written.
Just a small note. Some times I will be in thought and not come on the computer, I will either write how I am feeling in my note book or journal. So, all this junk then has to be typed and added. SOOOO this is the deal as to why I have not been posting.
Call it procrastination. Call it laziness. I do not care what you call it, but call it the way I work! Yeah, I said it. The way I work. Let's just go with that one!
Anyways... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
~ So disappointed on so many different Levels... ~
Two days after Christmas and only now, I feel as I can talk about this. Christmas in general was ok. On my birthday the 23rd, My mom took my kids, my nephews, my niece, herself and I to a hotel in Carmel. The reason being she wanted to spend the next day with my Grandma whom lives in Carmel and she was not sure how the weather was going to be. And she wanted to be nice and have us go some where. There had been plans for us to go to Florida, however she had changed them due to the lack of money. It was going to be a Christmas present to everyone. So, she wanted us just to get away, even if it was some where not so far away.
That was good. We had a nice time. We went shopping and in the morning the hotel had a giant breakfast we all partook in. And the next day, we got present ready for my grandma. Then we drove to her place to spend time with her. She is in a wheelchair due to both of her legs being amputated. And, it had been a while since I had seen her. It is not that I do not want to see her, because I do. It is just that I have the girls all the time and they like to run around and do as kids like to do. And she has a LOT of little things for them to get into and break. So, I do not get to see her as much as I would like. I know she would like to see the kids more as well.
We came home late that evening. And I had called my ex to see if he was indeed coming over to see the kids on Christmas. Calling him was not something I wanted to do. It was more of a duty. Since my kids had not seen him in over 2 months, except for a week before Christmas when he came over. Boy, was that a fiasco! With his ex girlfriend calling him on his cell phone and he giving me the phone telling me to tell her that I was with him again. I took the phone and said, "He wants me to tell you that we are back together, but I can not lie. And I would never take him back ever again!" The girl was crying. And get this people he is so rude to his ex she is in a wheelchair and he treats her like dirt!
So, she hung up. Of course she called again. And again. And he decided to leave and give me his prepaid phone so, she could never call him again. And call she did. A lot. I told her everything about him. All she could say was, "I didn't even know him." And I laughed and said, "Yeah, you were with him like what.. a whole month? I was with him for almost 6 years and I did not know him. So, good luck figuring him out."
That was not Christmas though. That was the week before. However, he promised my girls that he would be there for Christmas. And he called 2 or 3 more times the week asking my daughter what she wanted. It was really a simple request. She wanted a Game Boy Advanced SP with The Little Mermaid game. She had really gotten a liking to the Chicken Little game of her cousin's. She wanted her own.
Now, this man that has not paid child support or even really cared to see them or call them in 2 1/2 months. I figured it was a small request he could take care of. He got a job about 3 weeks ago and he told me that he makes about $850.00 a week. He is only ordered to pay, $96.00 a week. And that is not each kid that is for the both of them. His mean ass can not even do that.
So, I thought if anything he could handle this shit. Right. I thought wrong. I was lucky he did show up. Because, I really thought he would do a no show. Anyhow, I called him the night before and he promised he would show. I told him he better since the girls were all excited for him to show.
He did show. He did not buy her the Game Boy Advance. He, bought them each a 2 pack Family Dollar price tag on the box Horse set for each other them. And the box said for ages 4 and up. My one daughter is not even 2. And, he gave my older daughter a dog purse. He spent about $15.00 if even that much. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that the purse was $9.00. The purse did not have a tag on it.
He told me that he had to spend all his money on his other girlfriend and he did not have the cash nor, did he get to go shopping for the girls. He went shopping for the woman he goes with now and her kids... PLEASE. She is in her late 30's and she has a teenage son of 16. And another kid. Age is unknown. Again, I am disappointed on how a man can be so cruel and not caring.
You probably are reading this and think that I am a hateful person. And that all I am is money hungry. You have no clue on how far from the truth that is. It has really taken it out on me having to take care of kids with no support. And my parents have helped out a great deal. If it had not been for them, the kids would have had a horrid Christmas.
I feel bad for my kids. I really do. I always had my dad around. My parents are still married. I did not have to worry about this. My kids do. Dad, shows up so rarely in their small little lives. Just enough for them to know he exists and when they want him more, he leaves and makes them cry. Did I mention he was here like 15 minutes on Christmas for his kids. I did not say anything to him mean and hateful. We were actually joking around. Him on the other side of the room of course.
He did stay 5 minutes more than he did last week. That visit was a whole 10 minutes. He has just changed so much it is crazy. I do not even know where to go with it. So, that was Christmas. Oh, we went to my parents and they got my kids some presents. So, they had an ok Christmas. They talked about their dad all day. And how he promised he would be back in a couple days and get her a Game Boy Advance. I doubt that will happen. It has already been 2 days....
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
~ Not much time today, but .... ~
Hey, not much time today. Just thought I would peek in and tell everyone Merry Christmas!!!
You know the drill...
PRESENTS, giving of course!
With a little bit of getting as well..
Punch and Pie,
Sunday, December 23, 2007
~ Yet another birthday... ~
Yet, another birthday. I am 28 this time! I feel old. Very old. Yet, another birthday cheated. LOL! Seriously, I am not all about gifts and stuff, and it is a good thing I am not. IF I had been I might feel sad. Yes, many of my friends and family over looked me in giving me stuff for my b day. The reason usually falls into the 2 categories:
1. I did not have enough money to buy you a gift, I spent all my money on buying stuff for other people on Christmas.
2. Here is your birthday/Christmas present.
LOL! I guess I am usually a convenience to those that wish to buy me stuff, I am like killing 2 birds with one stone...
It was horrid none the less and not because of the presents issue. I would not care if I ever got another present again. I like them, but I try to realize it is all material and try to look toward the things that matter.
But, I can not believe I am 28. It does not feel right. I do not feel as old as I am....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
~ LapBand an Amazing Alternative to a Gastric Bypass ~
A lot of people that tend to need to loose weight turn to a Gastric Bypass. That is procedure where their stomach is cut smaller to reduce their food capacity, so they may loose weight. Well, there is an Alternative to this! It is called Lapband!
Instead of having a large scar and having your stomach scared for a life time, there is a tiny incision and insert a band that will be inflated and go around the stomach making it smaller, so you will feel fuller longer.
The amazing thing about Lapband is that, you can have it removed when you want to and this will not be done to your body permanently that of a Gastric Bypass. Find out more info from Journey Life!
lap-band los angeles
Payday loans
Christmas is almost here. In just a few short days. So, you need extra cash right? Who doesn't? In fact I am sure you might just need a few extra bucks after Christmas to make up for all you have spent! Well, no fear! Pay day is here!
At Pay Day Loans you can get cash advances from $100 up to $1,500 in as little as 24 hrs. All credit levels are welcome and they even have a nifty Loan Calculator on their website. It's a quick way to bridge the gap, when your short on cash!
Hotel Reservations
A couple months ago I was looking up Hotels to stay at. And I did not have this site. I wish I would have! They have great rates at up to 70 % off! And you can get that percentage off of not just hotels, but motels, vacation rentals, resorts and more. And they can book you World Wide at an array of destinations!
You can also get car rentals and book your flight on their website as well. So, if you are going traveling there is no need to look any further! Not only can and will you save on your next vacation or trip, you will save a bundle too!!
Hotel Reservations