Saturday, December 23, 2006
~ Thanks for the Wishes! ~
I was not going to post till after the Holidays, due to being extremely busy. Are we not all???
Anyways I wanted to thank everyone that has taken the time to tell me Happy Birthday! Your wishes are the best! Thanks everyone so much!!! :)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
~ On the 4th day of Shopping... My truelove bought for me...~
It is officially the 20th of December and I am sure that all the slackers in the world are not worried about getting presents for there family and friends. Why, should they? They still have 4 days left. And as everyone knows the best day to go shopping is December 24th, before everything closes early! That is how my parents did it. And always the best presents were sold out at the store long before.
Well, I on the other hand do not have to worry about this for my kids. I have a whole closet filled with Brand New toys so they can have Christmas every year till they are teens. Girls, stop playing with Barbies at 10 to 13 right? Well, I have enough to surpass that stage then. In fact usually 10 or younger girls will start wanting more electronic stuff. I remember when I was a girl. And a simple Barbie or 2 would excite me beyond belief! I would play for days with different sinarios and never get bored.
Who could get bored with Barbie and all her clothes and friends! Common' ! So, with that said, whilst the rest of the world worries about what to by Johnny. I already have the presents under the tree. I think I will go have a glass of Hot cocoa and sit stress free :)
Till after the Holidays, And may yours be Merry!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
~ Will I even remember? ~
This Christmas I am making sure to get a ton of pictures of the girls! My girls that is. Last year I could kick myself in the butt for years to come. You see, we had this old digital camera and my other daughter was not born yet, so it was my oldest daughter's last Christmas alone. And the charger to the old digital camera was no where in site!!!
So the battery could not be charged! So, no charged battery meant no pictures. So, my daughter had no pictures of her opening her Christmas pictures. And, you know the sad thing is I can not remember her opening the presents at all!
Does that not suck! I can not remember that in just about a year I can not remember what she got or her opening the presents! UGH! I am sure she will not remember it at all! Here is the sad part, I have a great memory! But, as I am getting older it is fading. And that makes me sick. I could remember any and everything.
I hate getting old! Can I stress that again, I hate getting old. And everyone says, "You're not old!" Makes me wonder when they will start saying I am old. When does that happen? When do people stop saying, "You're not old?"
I am kind of afraid it will happen soon...
Sunday, December 03, 2006
~ ...These are the Days ~
These are the days that you remember. Today is a day that is always on my mind. No matter what they say, it will be always.
To start off with ...
My parents have been married for 35 years as of today! And can you believe it! I can not! I know that with a world like this people being married that long is crazy! I believe it is crazy! Married for this long... Wow!
~ Happy Anniversary Parents! ~

The sad News...
My uncle Michael died 13 years ago on the same day. So, even though I miss him very much as well. He was just a great person. And I only got to know him for 11 years!

Rest in peace!!! We are always thinking about you!!!