Wednesday, October 31, 2007
~ Happy Hall -o- Ween ~
Yay! It is my favorite Holiday! Hall -o- ween! I plan on taking the kids for our normal rounds with there cousins! We have the places we go! It some times changes, but usually it is around the same vicinity.
We had our Hall -o- Ween Party a couple days ago. I know, I acted a fool. It is hall -o- ween though, you have to act a fool right? It is when you put on too much makeup and eat too much candy and watch scary movies all night!!!!
And make sure you have tonz of fun!!!!
I know I will!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007
~ ...Why do these Lyrics Rock? ~
I just love this song. I really do. I think it rocks. Try and find a better song.. Go and try it!!! :)
No, I know there are better songs out there. I just love the lyrics and they remind me of Hall -o- ween, so another reason I added it..
~ Blink 182 - Miss You ~
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
AND just for the record I do not miss my ex... ewwwwww ;)

Saturday, October 27, 2007
~ Oh No, not the Attacking Ferret! ~
I guess Apparently Ferrets do, attack!!!!
I laughed soooo hard!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
~ Garfield Hall -o- Ween Special ~
I am sure you have had the joys of watching The Garfield Hall -o- ween special growing up. I did. And it was horrid to miss it too! That and The Peanuts Great Pumpkin was longed for every year.
So, I found this on Youtube and I had to post it. Now, we shall never miss it again!!!!
Garfield's Halloween Adventure (Part 1)
Garfield's Halloween Adventure (Part 2)
Garfield's Halloween Adventure (Part 3)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
~ The Scariest of All! ~
PETs In Hall -o- ween Costume !!!!
Wow, this is the scariest of all the poor pets. They are cute, but still. You have to wonder if they like it or not. I think not. Still cute! And scary at the same time. Some are cute though!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
~ Awww, But I do not wanna Grow up! ~
Ugh! Growing up can suck some times huh? I recently found out the best prank call machines! And, now that I am grown and responsible I can not prank people! I used to be a rather good phone prankster in my day as a girl. I remember, my cousin and I calling people on the nice summer days doing our, "Cheese Survey." Yes, we would call people with our paper full of questions asking people what kind of cheese they liked and if it made them have gas or gave them constipation. Of course, the funny questions neared the end after we already got the people believing we were really doing a survey.
Ahhh the missed days of youth. Carefree and well.. fun! Who am I kidding? Anyways, we did not have a computer back then and we did not have what the kids of this generation have in pranking, of course we did not have caller ID then and no *69. So identity was still pretty well kept. We did not have to worry about our parents getting a call from someone asking why we called them about a "fake" cheese survey.
But, if your a kid or an adult that decides to act like one, I have some toys for you. They are called soundboards and boy do they come in an array of voices you can use. From Arnold to almost any and everyone that talked in a movie or on radio. Seriously, even if you are not going to do prank calls just listening too them might make you laugh!!!
Here are some of the best soundboards I have found:
Has many sound boards such as:
Paris Hilton
Miss Cleo - The fake psychic
Michael Jackson
Judge Judy
John Wayne
Dr. Phil
Tom Cruise
Salad Fingers- My fave :)
Dr. Evil
And Many more on the site!!
Have fun listening!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
~ My Myspace was Hacked!!! ~
And boy am I mad? I used to have a great myspace page. I have had my account for over 2 years. It was a great page with a lot of friends that I would talk to frequently. There ended up being a lot of drama with a small circle of online friends that I talked too. So, I resigned from their stupid club. Anyways... I hate drama. So, I just cut myself off from them. And, I guess they knew a lot of my other friends too or had some sort of connection.
Anyhow, I took off all my friends and only left family and real people or friends I knew in real life. I thought this would solve the problem. Well, now my myspace account was hacked into and everyone that was on my list of people I know only in real life, got a retarded comment telling them they could get a free Macy's Giftcard in the value of $500.00.
So, with me not knowing this happened, I got a ton of emails from people I know asking and wondering why I would spam there myspace page with stupid fake stuff. I looked at there comments and indeed there was a comment from me. So, I had to mail everyone back and make an ebullition telling everyone I was hacked and that I was sorry they got spammed and to please delete the comment the "fake" me made.
That myspace page is no longer used. And, I made a new one. I really have not had much time or care to put a lot of effort into it like I had the last one. I think myspace is good for keeping in touch with actual people you know. And it is good to make friends. Just stay away from the drama. And even if your not into the drama it can still follow you with hackers!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007
~ I am simply in Love with This Vegan Blog! ~

As we all know I am a vegitarian. However, I do some times eat vegan food. It kinda comes with the territory. I just can not call myself a PUR vegan. As I do indulge in foods with milk and egg products in them. However, if a food does not contain those products I eat them too and actually feel better about it. LOL. I just can not dump the egg and milk products! GEEZ! Get off my back! ;)
Anyways, looking at this blog I just might! I love this blog! This blog is sooo great! I do not want to steal her recipes or thunder by posting her Vegan twinkies that might I add her the tips and tricks not only look like the real thing! They are claimed to be better. And, they are something I want to try.
Not, only will you find Vegan Twinkies Recipe, there are also: Vegan cupcake, Nacho Cheese Dip, Tofu Fishsticks (I have to try these, since I am a veg that does not eat fish and I have not had fish in so long, damn cravings!!!) The list goes on and on. There is even a good Christmas meal menu with recipes. So, what are you doing still looking at my blog! Go to their's and learn how to make all this yummy food!!! Remember to bookmark my blog before you go though, so I can inform you of all this good stuff I find. Bookmark their blog too it is called:
Shmooed Food
And clicking on the name shall take you to the blog!!! Yum!*x*
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
~ How do you get free stuff? ~
Think you can not get free stuff? Wrong. Now, I am not saying all those adds are real that say free Ipods. I tried them back in the day when they 1st came out. Can you say, "FAKE??" So, if something looks too good to be true than it probably is right? Usually those free sites that promise big things just want your email address and info.
But, there are sites out there that do really give you free stuff. It usually is not something all that big. It can vary from a shirt, a sample or a coupon for a free full sized product. And there is a great site that I go to find out all the legitimate free stuff to sign up with.
It is called Fatwallet. It is more like a messageboard/webforum. People post freebies and sales on there. So you can get the best free junk and what not. You might just make a couple of friends on there as well. So here is the website. Check it out!!!
Friday, October 05, 2007
~ Wal-mart gives out Free Samples? ~
Yep, you heard right!, now gives out free samples. And all you have to do is fill out the little web form with your info and they will ship the sample right to your door.
You need to check this one often though, they usually fill up on there free samples fast. And they change there selection every couple days usually. So, where can one find all these Walmart samples? It is kinda hard to find if you are looking for it. Most people I know that shop at had no clue there were free samples to get on the Walmart site! It is most easily over looked! So here is the page to go! Have fun sampling!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
~ How to do all those lovely Picture Tricks! ~
Have you been on myspace or miscellaneous webpages and saw all these cool picture tricks and pondered in wonderment, "How did they do that???" Well, I certainly have. This is like one of the photos I was recently intrigued by, however I made this one. And I will tell you a fast trick how to make any picture your own crazy, cool with lots of effects going on.

See the cool rippling effect??? That is soo neat. And it was so easy. In fact I did nothing, but go to this webpage: ----->
They have an array of designs. Common' people even an UNTRAINED monkey could do it. That is how easy it is.
Load a photo
decide what effects you want
save the photo to your computer
upload it to photobucket
then paste the code for your photo where you want the photo to go...
So there you have it... Easy!
Monday, October 01, 2007
~ Pretty Freekin Scary, and I like it! ~
I have no clue if I am the only one that found this or not. I really have not seen a lot about it on the internet. But, I love and I do mean love these. The products are called Pretty Freekin Scary, and yes Freekin is misspelled on purpose. Anyhow, they have different products with the brand and logo which also has a little goth boy, a girl, a voo doo doll and a bat/cat skull animal.
LOL! Your probably thinking I am off my rocker. Well, I happen to come across these in the Walmart clearance isle. Everything was dirt cheap so I bought some of the things as prizes for the Hall -o- ween party I have planned. And they are cute stuff. Like there is this paper lantern, and it comes with a little fake candle light that will not cause a fire. It cost $3.00 normally it was $7.00 I believe. I also got a journal with the boy on it, it was $1.50. It is cool. It has a magnetic closure on the front. And I bought a keychain for me, with the bat/cat skull animal. The keychain cost$1.76.
Anyways, these are all the pictures I could find with the logo and the boy, but you might understand what I am saying when you see it. I do not know if he is a cartoon or just a logo with toys made after him.
