Friday, November 30, 2007
~ All that Snaps in the World... ~
Oh, Snap! LOL! I love the saying. You do not have to ask twice if I do. You know here on my page: "Snappy ADvice" I do! :) So, I wish to share with you... great pictures with my logo! Well, not really. But, some are funny anyways! And I know I need a little humor. Who, does not????

Still Snappin!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
~ The Great Target -Non- Return Policy ~
Not, to sound like Yoda, but saddened I am. I have had the shame from a store I love. I love this store more than all other major retailers. Why? Might you ask? Well it's Target! And it used to be the best place to get all the fun stuff and the clearance sales on all the items! Woah! Well, this gal has some problems with her ex major favorite retailer.
As the story goes:
Objective: To Return a -non- open Early Birthday Present

My birthday is Christmas eve, eve. For all you that might not understand my lingo that would be December 23rd. This girl will be 28! Yes, yes. I will be quite old. Well, let us not rub it in! I am still under 30, so blah. ANYHOW... I had a present that was presented to me. Let us not get into it. It was something I could not use. It was $49.99. However, I had not idea as to the cost, I just know I could not use it. So, I decided that I would have to return it. The present giver told me they had purchased it at Target. Ok, no fret. I had not returned anything to Target in such a time however, this store is the best! So, how could they refuse me.
~Upon walking in~
I was there with my brother and thankful for it. I came into the store and the buzzer with off. The buzzer that says you stole something. So, this girl, probably younger than 20 ran to me. And she said, do you want to purchase that. I looked at her like she was retarded since I was still lurking in the door way with arrival into the store. I said, "Umm.. No, it was a gift and I need to return it." She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh." And she walked back over to the customer service desk. I stood in line and 5 minutes later she yelled, "I can take you." I went up to her and she said, "How, can I help you?" I said, "I needed to return this. This item is not compatible with the item it was for."
I think I must have confused her with the word, "compatible" because she looked at me like she had no idea as of what I was saying. She said, "Oh. Well where is the receipt?" I said, "It was a gift I do not have a receipt." She said, "Oh." And she said, "Well, if it is over $20.00 we will not give you store credit and you have to keep it." This was not posted anywhere on there policy on the board behind her. I said, "Well, can you just give me store credit?" She looked at me and scanned it and said, "No, it is $49.99. It is over $20.00, so I can do nothing with it." UGH! I said, "Fine!" And left.
~ On the Internet ~
I thought she was just being a bitch. So I looked it up online and all I have to scream is WHY, TARGET, WHY!!! Ok, enough for dramatics for tonight, but other patrons are having just as much troubles. And, it is going much deeper. I guess according to other's stories I have heard Target is not only allowing people to return stuff that is under $20.00 without a receipt, but one can only do it 2 times in 365 days. I guess they are collecting names and stuff and refusing people if they have done it more than twice.
~ My Last Words ~
I understand some policies have to be enforced due to people that steal and return items. But, I was returning a brand new item never opened or used. And it was worth $49.99. They could just reshelve it and make there money back. I was just asking for store credit. Instead, I was treated like a crook upon entrance. Will I ever shop at Target again? Yes, why? Because, as stated I love there fun items and sales. Like, I got my Hello Kitty iPod charging alarm clock there it was normally $50.00 every where else, but I found mine in clearance with 5 other ones for $12.49. And, usually I do like them better than Walmart or Meijer. So, yes I am still forced to shop there. I just hope they understand that they are being meanies and change! Fat chances for changing the Fat Cats, er dogs ???

Sunday, November 25, 2007
~Hunter Revenge - "Who's Gonna Love U Now?"~
Just because Hunter Burgan rocks. This is his song. It is titled as one can see. It is a great song! I love it! He is also the bass player for AFI.
You Can find him on Youtube here:
And you can find him on Myspace here:
Friday, November 23, 2007
~ How to Cook with a Light Bulb and Dvds ! ~
I most certainly do not agree with them cooking a turkey. You know my views already. But, this is genius! Who would have really sat down and thought how to cook a turkey with a light bulb and dvd's? If it works for turkey, it might just be a cool way to make an oven if you are oven less and have the other things to do it with.
Remember, if you try this to do what they say. I did not make this video up. I am only adding it, because it is neat! And well... I liked it! :)
~Other then the cooking of meat, I liked it....~
Thursday, November 22, 2007
~ Happy Thanks Giving !!! Yet... Again. ~
It has rolled by too fast! Right! Right! And it is again that time of year. I am however slightly mad. Why might you ask? Let me tell you why! All the foods I would have normally eaten have some sort of Meat in them! YES! UGH! My mom made stovetop stuffing last year.. you know this kind:

Used to be one of my favorite things for Thanksgiving. Well, I always tell her to get the cornbread varity of it due to the fact the other ones have either chicken or turkey broth in them. So, I went to the store to make sure the other kinds did not have it in them. And low and behold they did. Even the off brands. All brands had chicken fat in them. So, not only chicken broth, but chicken fat!!!!
I was in shock! I had already this week found out that one of my favorite chips had chicken fat in them. My fave chips used to be: Baked Lays BBQ! The kind that are only 3 grams of fat per a serving!

I totally do not agree with the marketing of things. I think that they need to be clearly marked if they contain such ingredients that are meat by products. Being the vegetarian I am now, I really have to make sure everything does not contain meat. I mean come on, they are potato chips who thought meat was added to them!
And since more people or vegetarian now then ever, they totally need to make such things better! That makes me so mad that they get away with this. I want a sticker that says, "CONTAINS CHICKEN FAT!!" Then I might be happy. I will be happier when they take the chicken fat out of them!
The regular ones that taste like pringles, they do not contain Chicken fat. Which goes to prove they do not have to add chicken fat to there product.
And so, I decided to look for other stuff to eat for Thanksgiving. And even the Uncle Ben's Spanish Ready Rice contains Chicken Fat. I am just telling you to make sure you are consuming what you think you are! There are millions out there fooled into thinking they are not consuming meat, when in reality they are!!!!
On to the -NoN- Turkey Day Feast. My meal will include: Frichik (which is vegetarian chicken) Mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, roll, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie! My oh My! So that will be dinner!! And to everyone one else....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
~ LOL @ Merry Santa Time ~
Ok, this video is great, funny and sooooooooo true about people sometimes! I am not talking about all people, only people that want to change tradition! I did not make it up. It is so funny none the less. I just love the "new" and improved Santa and the new name for Christmas. And to think, I had been calling it Xmas this whole time!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
~ The bad side of Cha Cha ~
Seriously, I'm not going to sit here and bad mouth Cha Cha. I really love the site. And if you are not that familiar with it I will give you a fast run down. Basically Cha Cha, is a website search engine like Yahoo or Google. However they have a real person find you what you are looking for instead of you doing it all by your lonesome. That is pretty much what it is. Ok. Well they hire people to work for this AT home with there computer. And pretty much anyone that can type or spell can be on Cha Cha guide. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you are called a guide if you help people on Cha Cha.
Now as a Cha Cha guide which that I am. I love it! I think it is wonderful. But there are a few hang ups about it. Just a few. Trust me I'm going to be nice! :)
1. I used to get a lot of Business!: Yes as a guide I used to make the good money. However now it seems I can be logged on and only make a couple dollars a day. Which in my opinion down right pisses me off due to the fact that I'm on there to make money and help people. That's why I'm there. Not to sit there and have no one come on or if they do come on needing help then they usually get taken by someone 1st.
2. Other Guides taking my business so I can't get any business!: Basically again, you sit there and you wait for someone to ask a question. This question goes to many guides that are logged on. And you have to hit accept really fast or your question goes to some other guide. And if your not answering questions and looking stuff up then your not getting paid! And this is a big PAIN! Seriously. I always seem to get questions that happen to go to other people! This makes me upset and irate! Yes I said Irate! I want my cash! I want to help people! I don't wanna fight my fellow coworkers on getting the bait on my fishing line. SO please Cha Cha fix it!
3. Pranks, Pranks and oh yeah, MORE PRANKS!: On Cha Cha all it seems is that I get prank after prank. And it is nonstop. Now of course this is saying I get a question and I'm accepted to answer it. Then I get a person asking about porno. Or the best one I love, they ask me out or ask me what I'm wearing. Cha Cha is helping this. I heard they are going to permanently block people that keep pranking. Pranks aren't fun. Ok, well some might be, but NOT on Cha Cha! It's annoying. So if you use Cha Cha, please don't prank us. Oh and it's gone to be as bad that disgruntled question askers have stalked some Cha Cha guides.
All in all my time as a Cha Cha guide has been fun and fulfilling. I've met a lot of fun people that I would call friends. They are sweet caring and helpful. The company is great. And I would say if you ever have the chance to be a Cha Cha guide GO for it! Cha Cha is a smart and helpful idea with a few hang ups. But again this idea is really new and not heard of by many. I'm sure that in 5 years people all over will be using Cha Cha as there #1 search engine, because it's a great idea and it's like having an assistant or an extra pair of hands and eyes when your doing a project and you need a little help. Plus while your having someone look stuff for you, you can keep your self busy with what your working on!
- The above was another article submitted by me to Associated Content. And they refused to post it due to the fact they said it looked like it promoted Cha Cha!... OK!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
~An Enlighting Conversation about Space Aliens~

Do you believe in Aliens or other life forms that might roam the planet? If you do or don't you still might want to read this. There are thousands of people all over the place that believe they have been indeed abducted by aliens. Have you been? Well I'm not making fun of anyone. Seriously I believe just about anything can happen on this crazy planet. So with that said, make sure you follow these simple common since rules if you happen to be all alone on a dark road and you find your self encountering more than you bargained for!
If in shock run don't walk!: Ok people! This is a big thing! This is like one of the most biggest things in the world. If you see a UFO and your in your car, then drive off as soon as possible. Don't be like the people on tv that are abductees. They say: "I saw this pretty light and I wanted to see what it looked like up close!" Or such things like, "I wanted to see what it was all about." You've heard the stories. You know what it wants to do. Don't get out of the car. Drive off. And drive off fast. Because chances are if you see this thing, then you know what it's gonna do to you. It's just sitting there waiting like a spider to catch it's bait.
~ But the colors are sooo alluring! ~
Uhhh Yeah. You think it's gonna catch a person without it's pretty alluring colors. Ummm no. Most people are smart enough to not go near something that is ugly and not colorful. They know this. So realize it's all trickery! All of it I say! Forget about the pretty colors. And under no circumstance go outside of the vehicle. Anyways why is your Vehicle still there? Like shouldn't you have drove away by now? Forget about the pretty colors! Seriously! Go look at Christmas tree lights for pretty colors!
~ But my friend already got out of the car! ~
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh, this calls for disparate measures. You want to get your friend fast. Like I mean, super sonic fast. Like get out of the car only to retrieve your friend. Throw him in the car. And drive that baby the heck out of dodge. But whatever you do, whatever you do.. DO NOT STAY out of the car long! NO! Then you will get ration burns and also you'll start to act crazy and pass out. All that junk. Then you'll be easier to take aboard there planetary hovering disk. And don't argue with your friend to get in the car. If they are like, "Wait, I wanna see this." Don't tell them no. Just throw them in the car and drive off. Remember they will thank you later for it.
~ Tried to do, but the Car won't start. ~
Ok. Don't panic. You have to try the car 2 more times. But fast. Like make a bunny and do it fast. Like really fast. Like hurry. Try it 2 more times. If it doesn't work on the 2nd time. It's time to vacate the car ASAP. Yes, they will find you in the car. Let's not be stupid! And you don't wanna wait in the car long. Sure you might get abducted if you go outside the car, but come on, at least make them have to search to find you. The longer you stay in the car your like a sitting duck! Yes a sitting duck. They know right where to find you. You're right there. Yes right there! UGH! So hurry. Fast now! Right now! And hide in a tree or behind bushes. Anything. Or a house or shed whatever you can find near you. It is still a slim chance, but it's better than sitting there.
~Tried not to panic, but I saw one moving in the Craft~
Oh this is really bad. This is like, you know now that Aliens exist and they are here. So this is like time to forget about the fears and run. Go hide like I said in the above. Hide, Hide. Do it now!
~ OK, I hid. I think they are gone now! ~
You think? What! What's this about think? Your not supposed to be thinking at a time like this. How do you know they are gone? Have you ever been in this situation before? Do you know how long aliens wait before they stop looking for someone? NO I didn't think so. I don't either, but before you make your self known at least wait longer. Like a lot longer. Maybe till morning if you have to. Like morning when there is light. And a lot of light out. I'm not saying aliens still won't take you in the morning. But it's a lot harder for them to hide and more people could easily see you. So make sure that you wait it out till you can at least see.
~It's not morning yet,
but there are people talking. Can I come out now? ~
What kind of people? Do you hear voices? I'm confused. How long have you been waiting. Voices. How do you know they are people voices? Did you know aliens can act like people! So don't trust anything right now. They are playing with your mind people!
~ It's morning. I think I can come out now. ~
Ok if you are 100% sure the coast is clear. Then go to your car, but hurry. If they are really gone your car should start up. Does it start up? If so this is a good clue the aliens are gone and you can make it to your destination.
~ Yep, the car starts. But I can't find my friend! ~
UGH! Well you were supposed to take your friend with you to hide! You hid all night without your friend? What kind of friend are you? That's ok. Don't panic. Jump out of the car really fast look around for your friend for a couple of minutes and if that fails. Yell friends name! Friend should come if friend is not abducted!
~ Ok, my friend heard me. They are in the car now too. ~
Oh then! Get the show on the road! GO GO GO! And whatever you do, make sure to never to go back to the place you were at where you saw the UFO ever again less it is 100% necessary!
I hope some of the tips helped you. Remember this is for entertainment purposes only with some good ideas. If you are really ever abducted by aliens or find your self in situation where it might arise I can not tell you 100% that these tips will help you in you situation. And if you decide to get out and take pictures in hopes of fame and fortune, then your luck is all in your own hands at that one.
Also be warned I am not responsible for your actions. Just tips people! Just good advice that is all I have to offer. And if you get out and approach the ufo then know in good faith you might just be abducted by the aliens... Ok with that said. Have fun and Godspeed.
The above post was written By: Me for Associated Content. However, they rejected it saying that it was well written, however people are not looking for this kind of info on the internet!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
~ Charge your Ipod with Onion & Gatoraide ?? ~
What, what? You heard correctly. I have not tried this experiment. However, they do it on youtube! And if they do it on youtube, it has got to be good right? I do not know. But, I know that if I would decide to use this or do this I would make sure to use a crappy iPod cord. But, this is certainly good if it does work. Just think of all the people that will be stalking up on Gator Aide and onions in case of a world wide nature disaster iPod's around the world will see be working ;)
And for just 2 cups of Gator Aid and an onion! I will keep this idea in my mind if I happen to need to use it ever! Who, knows right??? And Gator Aide and an onion! Geez, I have that in my house almost at all times.
With out further ado, I give you the video:
Thursday, November 08, 2007
~My Pilgrimage To show the World Salad Fingers~
I know you probably know who I am talking about right? Who does not? Everyone by now knows who Salad Fingers is right? IF you do not, I will show you. He is an.. well he is an... I have no clue what the hell he is. A person, alien or thing. But, he resembles both a person/alien in a Yoda green color. Here is his picture:

Seen him around??
Here are some more funny photos of him:

And if you are still with me through all that then you really are a trooper. And you deserve to watch the 1st show of Salad Fingers. If you want more, however after this one... Just look him up on youtube. There is an array of videos featuring the young chap made by: David Firth.
I should know. I have been an avid Salad Fingers fan since the 1st episode came out on New Grounds such a long time ago .......
Salad Fingers Episode 1
And Since Episode 2 has always been my favorite.. feast your eyes on this...
Salad Fingers Episode Two (LOL @ the Help... Help me!)
Monday, November 05, 2007
~ A small rant about the dating scene... ~

I do believe I will share this with you. If not you then who right? I am not doing the dating scene at all. I do believe I posted a profile a couple weeks after my ex kicked me out. I was just seeing what and who is out there. Right. Well, a whole lot of nothing. I do have a plenty of fish (dating) site account. They are free so they are the ones I have stuck with. I tried them and Yahoo.
Anyhow, I had clearly marked on the account that I only want email friends or friends to hang out with. Since I know I am not going to date for many and shall I stress many moons from now. Other reasons, as to why I will not date I will not tell you. Since it is another personal matter and instead of lying and tip toeing around the cracks I will just tell you I will not tell you. LOL! Make sense? If you have read anything about me, it should make crystal clear since.
The Rant continues .... I have men from all walks of life asking me to go off with them or meet them or to do one night stands. And if you read this bucko, you know who you are... 42.. that is a laugh. I must elaborate on this one:
I got a message from a man, claiming to be 42. In his picture he looked 82, NO LIES. He was an older man. Why lie and say your 42? He wrote me asking if I liked older men, and that he really wanted to GET TO KNOW ME! Please!
Ok, so with the old man maybe he did not get to read my profile. Maybe he did not understand. He was old. Maybe he really thinks he is 42. But, these men out there. And dear, I am not superficial in the least! I am down to Earth and I give everyone a fair shot. God, you should see my ex's. You would know. LOL. J/k.
So, I have come to say, I am not dating or doing anything serious for the longest time. Except under one circumstance. And that is what you do not get to know about...
Friday, November 02, 2007
~ A whole lotta FriChik! ~
I just wanted to make a quick note and explain this too you. Soon, you will hear me rambling about it and I want you to know what it is, and what it is not.

The Item: FriChik
What it is: Fake Chicken (Food)
What it is NOT: Real Chicken, meat
More Info:
Frichik, the lovely meatless varity that I plan on utilizing into my meal on Thanks Giving. It is vegitarian, but not Vegan. I believe it has egg whites in it??? It has been around for the longest time. I was raised on it. I should know. My mom she ate it when she was a girl too. So, as I stated... It has been around for the longest time.
I wanna show you this picture of a can of it. It is extremely hard to find in Indiana. The nearest place that sells it is about 2 hrs away. Kroger used to sell it. However, Kroger pisses me off they stopped selling it. Blast KROGER!
How it is cooked: Well I assume you could make it all sorts of ways. This is how my mom makes it, thus this is the way I make it.
Open can of Frichik, drain juices.
Have a plate of Kentucky Kernal Flour (It is flour with seasons.)
Cut frichiks into halves.
Dip in flour and fry in pan with oil or deep fryer.
Very easy to make. And GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
I just discovered whilst looking for a photo for you that frichik has a myspace. Yes, everyone really does have a Myspace!! Well, too bad frichik had not signed on since March 2007! UGH! Sign on Betch! And no, I did not make this myspace page. I am so happy now that I am not the only one that knows about frichik. And now you know about it too :)