Thursday, December 27, 2007
~ So disappointed on so many different Levels... ~
Two days after Christmas and only now, I feel as I can talk about this. Christmas in general was ok. On my birthday the 23rd, My mom took my kids, my nephews, my niece, herself and I to a hotel in Carmel. The reason being she wanted to spend the next day with my Grandma whom lives in Carmel and she was not sure how the weather was going to be. And she wanted to be nice and have us go some where. There had been plans for us to go to Florida, however she had changed them due to the lack of money. It was going to be a Christmas present to everyone. So, she wanted us just to get away, even if it was some where not so far away.
That was good. We had a nice time. We went shopping and in the morning the hotel had a giant breakfast we all partook in. And the next day, we got present ready for my grandma. Then we drove to her place to spend time with her. She is in a wheelchair due to both of her legs being amputated. And, it had been a while since I had seen her. It is not that I do not want to see her, because I do. It is just that I have the girls all the time and they like to run around and do as kids like to do. And she has a LOT of little things for them to get into and break. So, I do not get to see her as much as I would like. I know she would like to see the kids more as well.
We came home late that evening. And I had called my ex to see if he was indeed coming over to see the kids on Christmas. Calling him was not something I wanted to do. It was more of a duty. Since my kids had not seen him in over 2 months, except for a week before Christmas when he came over. Boy, was that a fiasco! With his ex girlfriend calling him on his cell phone and he giving me the phone telling me to tell her that I was with him again. I took the phone and said, "He wants me to tell you that we are back together, but I can not lie. And I would never take him back ever again!" The girl was crying. And get this people he is so rude to his ex she is in a wheelchair and he treats her like dirt!
So, she hung up. Of course she called again. And again. And he decided to leave and give me his prepaid phone so, she could never call him again. And call she did. A lot. I told her everything about him. All she could say was, "I didn't even know him." And I laughed and said, "Yeah, you were with him like what.. a whole month? I was with him for almost 6 years and I did not know him. So, good luck figuring him out."
That was not Christmas though. That was the week before. However, he promised my girls that he would be there for Christmas. And he called 2 or 3 more times the week asking my daughter what she wanted. It was really a simple request. She wanted a Game Boy Advanced SP with The Little Mermaid game. She had really gotten a liking to the Chicken Little game of her cousin's. She wanted her own.
Now, this man that has not paid child support or even really cared to see them or call them in 2 1/2 months. I figured it was a small request he could take care of. He got a job about 3 weeks ago and he told me that he makes about $850.00 a week. He is only ordered to pay, $96.00 a week. And that is not each kid that is for the both of them. His mean ass can not even do that.
So, I thought if anything he could handle this shit. Right. I thought wrong. I was lucky he did show up. Because, I really thought he would do a no show. Anyhow, I called him the night before and he promised he would show. I told him he better since the girls were all excited for him to show.
He did show. He did not buy her the Game Boy Advance. He, bought them each a 2 pack Family Dollar price tag on the box Horse set for each other them. And the box said for ages 4 and up. My one daughter is not even 2. And, he gave my older daughter a dog purse. He spent about $15.00 if even that much. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that the purse was $9.00. The purse did not have a tag on it.
He told me that he had to spend all his money on his other girlfriend and he did not have the cash nor, did he get to go shopping for the girls. He went shopping for the woman he goes with now and her kids... PLEASE. She is in her late 30's and she has a teenage son of 16. And another kid. Age is unknown. Again, I am disappointed on how a man can be so cruel and not caring.
You probably are reading this and think that I am a hateful person. And that all I am is money hungry. You have no clue on how far from the truth that is. It has really taken it out on me having to take care of kids with no support. And my parents have helped out a great deal. If it had not been for them, the kids would have had a horrid Christmas.
I feel bad for my kids. I really do. I always had my dad around. My parents are still married. I did not have to worry about this. My kids do. Dad, shows up so rarely in their small little lives. Just enough for them to know he exists and when they want him more, he leaves and makes them cry. Did I mention he was here like 15 minutes on Christmas for his kids. I did not say anything to him mean and hateful. We were actually joking around. Him on the other side of the room of course.
He did stay 5 minutes more than he did last week. That visit was a whole 10 minutes. He has just changed so much it is crazy. I do not even know where to go with it. So, that was Christmas. Oh, we went to my parents and they got my kids some presents. So, they had an ok Christmas. They talked about their dad all day. And how he promised he would be back in a couple days and get her a Game Boy Advance. I doubt that will happen. It has already been 2 days....
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
~ Not much time today, but .... ~
Hey, not much time today. Just thought I would peek in and tell everyone Merry Christmas!!!
You know the drill...
PRESENTS, giving of course!
With a little bit of getting as well..
Punch and Pie,
Sunday, December 23, 2007
~ Yet another birthday... ~
Yet, another birthday. I am 28 this time! I feel old. Very old. Yet, another birthday cheated. LOL! Seriously, I am not all about gifts and stuff, and it is a good thing I am not. IF I had been I might feel sad. Yes, many of my friends and family over looked me in giving me stuff for my b day. The reason usually falls into the 2 categories:
1. I did not have enough money to buy you a gift, I spent all my money on buying stuff for other people on Christmas.
2. Here is your birthday/Christmas present.
LOL! I guess I am usually a convenience to those that wish to buy me stuff, I am like killing 2 birds with one stone...
It was horrid none the less and not because of the presents issue. I would not care if I ever got another present again. I like them, but I try to realize it is all material and try to look toward the things that matter.
But, I can not believe I am 28. It does not feel right. I do not feel as old as I am....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
~ LapBand an Amazing Alternative to a Gastric Bypass ~
A lot of people that tend to need to loose weight turn to a Gastric Bypass. That is procedure where their stomach is cut smaller to reduce their food capacity, so they may loose weight. Well, there is an Alternative to this! It is called Lapband!
Instead of having a large scar and having your stomach scared for a life time, there is a tiny incision and insert a band that will be inflated and go around the stomach making it smaller, so you will feel fuller longer.
The amazing thing about Lapband is that, you can have it removed when you want to and this will not be done to your body permanently that of a Gastric Bypass. Find out more info from Journey Life!
lap-band los angeles
Payday loans
Christmas is almost here. In just a few short days. So, you need extra cash right? Who doesn't? In fact I am sure you might just need a few extra bucks after Christmas to make up for all you have spent! Well, no fear! Pay day is here!
At Pay Day Loans you can get cash advances from $100 up to $1,500 in as little as 24 hrs. All credit levels are welcome and they even have a nifty Loan Calculator on their website. It's a quick way to bridge the gap, when your short on cash!
Hotel Reservations
A couple months ago I was looking up Hotels to stay at. And I did not have this site. I wish I would have! They have great rates at up to 70 % off! And you can get that percentage off of not just hotels, but motels, vacation rentals, resorts and more. And they can book you World Wide at an array of destinations!
You can also get car rentals and book your flight on their website as well. So, if you are going traveling there is no need to look any further! Not only can and will you save on your next vacation or trip, you will save a bundle too!!
Hotel Reservations
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
~ Looking forward to Sweeney Todd ~

visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site
I happen to rarely look forward to a movie that is going to be playing soon at theaters. I usually know there is hype for nothing. But, this is not the case. I know this movie is going to be sensational! Why? Just mentioning is in it and who it is made be, tells a great deal.
The Movie: Sweeney Todd
Made By: Tim Burton
Staring: Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter
My favorite Johnny Depp roles thus far have to be: Cry Baby and Edward Scissorhands
In Crybaby: My favorite moment was where he is locked in Juvenile Hall Johnny Depp plays a guy named - Wade "Cry-baby" Walker. He falls for a girl named Allison whom is rich. Both of their friends approve of the relationships. It is musically based with tons of singing and the scene is set in the 1950's.
In Edward Sissorhands: My favorite scene of that movie would be when he creates a snow storm out of ice sculptures that he makes with his scissorhands. In Edward Scissorhands, Johnny Depp plays a misfit that's creator has died before he had gotten to finish him, so he is left with scissorhands.
I do believe out of the 2 I slightly tend to lean more toward the gothic Edward Sissorhands. The movie is touching and Johnny Depp does a suburb acting. And it is also by Tim Burton.
I just know that Sweeney Todd is going to be amazing. It is also musically based. As we all know Johnny Depp has the vocal ability as well as acting talent. And it is made by Tim Burton. So, this will probably soon become one of my favorite movies by the duo.
Visit Sweeney Todd on Myspace
Friday, December 14, 2007
~ Can't Sleep Clown's will eat me! ~
The stuff I am up to whilst I have no sleep...
And the songs I sing...
Poe - Trigger Happy Jack
If you call it singing...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
~ This one you will just have to listen to... ~
Please excuse my absence of my brain....
This is part of what I was talking about in my recording... meandmyyoutube80sfest!
I saved them as drafts thinking I was posting them.. no, usually I am not this dumb...
But I wish I had 2 brains...
The Man With Two Brains - Under The Bamboo Tree
The Man With Two Brains - Drunk test is hard
Adventures in Babysitting
Babysitting Blues
Not Part of the Movie.. but so cute and he did a good Job!
Adventures in Babysitting parody
Either you will get it or you will not...
Little Shop of Horrors I'm a Dentist
Little Shop of Horrors Somewhere that's Green
Little Shop of Horror Suddenly Seymour
Ok, so I am not so selfish and I try to be kind and considerate! But, I can not sleep... And I feel better now. I feel hopeful. And all you need is hope! Or is that love? Anyhow, I realized how I was being selfish and self centered around my problems. And I did not stop to think about this war that is going around. And how it is yet another year the poor soldiers have to suffer through, with NO true absolution as to when they can kiss American soil and be with the ones they love.
I really can not imagine this scenario and in many cases I am glad I do not have to. I could not even imagine having someone I care tremendously about fighting off in a far away distant land not knowing if I would ever look them in the eyes or touch them again. That is simply too heart breaking for me to grasp. And, I am out of my depressive mood so let me not go into it too deeply and make myself sad. God, to anyone that actually reads this I must sound like bio-polar girl on a head trip! So, not the case.
And the point being... I never know what to write. So, I babble. But, in this instances there was a point. I happened just about 10 minutes ago find a website that has postcards made by children and xerox is helping. What you get to do is make a post card up and xerox will copy it and send it to a soldier that is off in the war. They will just send it to a random soldier and you do not get to tell any "real" info about your self. It is kinda like a random act of kindness. I did one, mind you I never know what to write. I wish I did. But, you may see the one I did anyhow.

If you want to go and make one your self, then go and do it. It is free. It is kinda fun. I might do another few, why not? They can not send them if they are not made!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
~ Is this all that is left? ~

I know I am still absorbed in today's theme. Blah, blah, blah. I am so sorry for myself and all that radical crap. I just feel like there has to be something more. More to this. I know how I say I am happy to be single. But, I simply can not help thinking I am missing something.
No, I am not lonely really. I am, but I am not. That relationship was hard enough to last a life time. I feel like hiding the ol' heart in a box forever. Or maybe I already have and I have not realized it? Call me a "romantic junkie" or say I have a lot of "fairy tale talk" but, I still deep inside my heart where I know I truly reside, I believe there is someone really out there for me.
I feel like today however, all my surprises are gone. There are no more. They left and in came age. I feel like all I have left to look forward too is a movie, where someone found what they were searching for. I miss being a kid. And I miss all the opportunities I missed out on. I miss having that wonderful feeling that no matter what, some how, everything will be better tomorrow. And the pain free worry of bills and the lack of paying for them.
I had it all in the palm of my hand. I thought those days would last forever. And when they did not I was god smacked. I wanted to grow up to fast and I worried about growing up so fast that I did not even realize I was grown. This week, I remember telling someone they reminded me of Wendy from Peter Pan... well I suppose my analogy was indeed wrong. I am more like Wendy with the kids... my friend was more like Peter Pan. Of course my comparison was of course wrong. DUH! Stupid Peter Pan for confusing me!!! My daughter finally got off that kick by the way! She is now watching Labyrinth with David Bowie and she is ruining it for me... One movie at a time. However, it is better than Mary Martin Peter Pan!!!

I am not depressive usually. Not at all. However, today was one of my off days, and I will be the 1st to admit it. It just seemed so blah today. Some days, ever though very rarely I get the blues too. Or the Reds... Haha. I do like the color blue better though, so why ruin that color.
Anyhow, today just felt like I was hit by a brick wall. I felt that there will never be an absolution to these feelings. I hate when I have these days. Usually I try to see the bright side for what it is. And everything has been going ecstatically well. As, well as one could have hoped for in my position I suppose.
The brick wall seems to be built around me some times. I know that this will all be resolved in time. If not in a year or so. You see, one of my major problems I seem to have is the lack of money. I know money is not everything, but certainly needed to live. And since I am in this slump of needing ever so much to get a job I have hit this brick wall and it seems there is no where else to turn.
I have my 2 kids you see and they are both at home with me all the time. So, they are not in school. And getting a job whilst one has kids can be done of course if someone has someone else to watch their children. I in fact do not have this luxury. My mom will of course watch them at some times. If I want to go out or something rarely. Usually it is just to go to the store or something to that nature. She will not watch them long enough for me to get a job.
And she decided to fight with me about the whole problem the other day. And it made me feel rather insane. I love my parents, do not get my wrong. But, I just love how their, "Throw all your problems in your face even though you are already worried about them, but offering no solution" attitude. It just made me think about them more, and I simply do not have the time to worry about shit I just can not change at the moment.
She came to me telling me to get a job. I told her I would love to. Trust me, after being stuck with the babies I am ready to hang out with anyone and making money while doing it would even put icing on the cake. I had already looked in day care and for 2 kids it differs from $175.00 to $250.00 a week. Yes, is that not a load of shit or what?
Now, I could get a job making possibly $10.00 an hr or slightly more. And if I worked 40hrs that would be $400.00 a week minus all the taxes taken out. So weekly that I would make $350.00 to $300.00 after the taxes were taken out. Then take away the gas and whatever else needed to work, depending on location. So, I would make $100.00 profit weekly if I happened to be that lucky.
So, it just looks like shit right now. I know that soon, the kids will be in school and this will not be a problem. So, I am trying to look past it... but some times it is just hard doing it....
Saturday, December 08, 2007
~ A few Surprises... ~
And this week has been full of a few surprises! Let me start out with something that shocked me. This was quite cool. I happened to go to my myspace page, that was hacked into the past couple of months and I was in deed thinking about deleting it. However, I did not. I had recently started to work on and fix it rather than sending it to myspace hell.
Yes, it had been destroyed. Whomever decided to do it, did it well. I give them kudos for that. And in fact I am not pissed at them at all. Who cares now right? I just hope that they had fun. Myspace is not life. So who cares. They just deleted a mack load of my friends, my layout and all about me.
So, with that said.. I am glad I did keep it up however. This week I got 2 friend requests. And I thought it was just going to be the bogus fake friend requests like I usually get. You know what I am talking about. If you frequent myspace at all, then you get the, "look at my photos, they are nude and I am a hot girl" friend requests. Right? Or am I the only one? I have sneaking assumption I am not.
So, the requests I did check them out. And they happened to be from an old friend of mine. I had not heard from him in 12 years. I did think he had fell off the face of the Earth. But, as it comes. He is in a couple bands. So, of course I added them to my myspace page. And you should too... why? Because, the music rocks that is why. And because, I said so!!
So, here you go... New myspace friend's for you to add:
Tucker* -
Scott Baiowolf and The Rockford Pedafiles -
Hey Hey Melodica -
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
~ The Dreaded Peter Pan a Showing ~
My daughter who is 4 has a rather large Peter Pan fetish! She has to watch Peter Pan all the time. Peter Pan is now her favorite cartoon. But, it does not stop there. She has to watch him many times during the day. And yes, the cartoon is ok. So, I can not complain much.
I was on Youtube the other day and she wanted me to look up Peter Pan. So, I did. And I found a rare and forgotten Peter Pan Movie. And after one viewing I remembered why I forgot it.
We found Peter Pan played by Mary Martin.
And, after my daughter laughed at the fact for 10 minutes straight of how Peter was Played by a woman... Then she was interested and wanted to watch it!
Goodness... Why did they make this movie? I do remember that when I was 9 I used to watch it every now and then. The songs are catchy and annoying. It was great nostalgia to re watch it once, but dear God, it has now replaced the cartoon and all she wants to watch is Mary Martin Peter Pan!
Excuse me while I barf. It kinda makes me miss Barney..

Wait NO, it does not!
Monday, December 03, 2007
~ I Just recently Signed up to PPP! ~
word of mouth ethics
I wanted to let everyone know that I just signed up to PPP. ;) What is PPP you might ask? Well, let me explain.
What is PPP?: PPP stands for Pay Per Post
What does it do?: Pay Per Post will allow me to have blogging opportunities to make money.
How does it work?: Simply, you must have a blog that has been around for 3 months. They have a set of rules you must abide by to get your blog posted with them. Then they will approve you. Once approved that is where the "real" fun starts. You get to choose to do reviews or an advertisement on your blog that you get paid to make up and post!
How is this going to effect your blog?: This is not going to effect my blog at all. I will still write about the stuff I always write about. This just gets me a little extra stuff to write about!
What if I want to sign up with PPP?: If you have a blog that is 3 months or older, than you really should! It is really fun so come and join me! All you have to do is go here:

December 3rd! My parents 36 year Anniversary! Seems like I was just writing about this yesterday, but it has in fact been a year since. And I seriously have to wonder what this... HOW ARE THEY TOGETHER THIS LONG!!! This is still insane for me to ponder!
Madness, I say. Simply Madness! Marriages do not last this long. They should, but they do not. Just look at mine... enough said. It is not that I did not try though. And I think that most people usually do not try. I tried and tried and tried and tried again. I think that some times people just jump into things too soon.
I do not even think that really matters though. Either if people jump into it too soon or not, I do think total dedication is what is needed. You just have to make up your mind to do something and do it. No matter what anyone says, no matter how much temptation. You have to decline it all and stick with your guns. I think that is probably the best way to make a marriage work. That and make sure you know the person, really good.
It is soooo hard to know someone though. Especially, when you are dating. People are usually nicer when dating and they make up all these terrible lies. I have never been into lying much, so I have always been honest and truthful about mostly everything and believed everyone was like that. But, as I have gotten burn, I realized that not everyone is like that. During dating and the, "getting to know you" phase of a relationship, in my circumstances at least, I have found the guys to talk big and not deliver. LOL!
That reminded me of the pizza. No, it is not delivery! It is not that other kind either. It is a good thing too. Mine is good and healthy. Mine is a vegetarian, Kashi Mediterranean Pizza.
RIP: Uncle Michael - 16 years ago today :(

I know it is around the holidays and one of the least things you want to think about is life insurance. So why think about it? Well, it just might be a great gift to give yourself, because if you get life insurance for yourself and family then you know you are giving yourself "peace of mind".
And what better gift is that! I happen to know of a company that is having deals with life insurance at the moment with Reduce Premiums which means you Save Money on Insurance! Yes, you heard me correctly! So what do you have to do to get life insurance at incredible rates???
Well, that one is easy. All you have to do is go to their website posted here for you to get a fast free Insurance Quote: Insurance Quotes
And that is it! Now, was that not easy or what????
brought to you by your friends at []
Sunday, December 02, 2007
~ Not so Associated any more ~
This is a rant about Associated Content, you know the company that "pays" you to write articles. I had been writing for them for a small while. And I had thought I was the only one that got rejected for well written articles. I have heard many excuses from them telling me my article was well written, but not what the internet viewer was looking for. Right...
I found out today I am not alone! I happened to be browsing blogs today from fellow bloggers, and I have came across a blogger that is having the same problem I am with Associated Content.
Blogger's name: Denise Kincy Grier
-----> Freelancing Journey
Article about Associated Content:
-----> Finished with Associated Content
I find her blog to be terrific and I believe that she writes wonderfully. And if anything she has turned into Associated Content was like of that, that is on her blog, it should have been accepted.
I did once as well make a little money with Associated Content. That time is over however. I happened to just get into it before they started to only want to pay for page views. So, when I say a little money, I mean A LITTLE MONEY!
And I was quite dedicated to it too. I thought, "Wow, a way to make money at home." And since my 1st set of articles did seem to get $5.00 or more per an article I was rejoicing as I could put out 10 articles a day.
However, that soon turned. I do believe that they should either post topics of the "articles" they are looking for or just post plainly that they only want to pay per a view with a penny. HA! Since that happens to be all they are up to doing now. My last 5 articles were rejected, but they said I could place them on there for no money and make the penny per a view. Yeah, uh... NO! Why, have them make money for Google ad hits that my article provides for them while I get my penny. They get a lot more.
So in closing, I decided that it is just time for me to, "REJECT" Associated Content.

Saturday, December 01, 2007
~ Happy December! ~
It just now occurred to me that I did not do "rabbit, rabbit" UGH! But, not to fret! I am not destined for back luck all winter! All I have to do is when I go to sleep tonight remember to say, "Tibbar, Tibbar." As my last words and good luck can be salvaged! Yay!
If you think I am insane or your just wondering what I am talking about, I will explain! Do I not always explain? Of course I do.
It was thought in older days that if the 1st words out of your mouth upon waking up were, "Rabbit, Rabbit" before you said anything else, on the 1st of each month, you would have good luck that whole month.
Hey, do not take my word for it. It is a large superstition! In fact you can read all about it on, wikipedia. Here -------->
But, they say to say, "Rabbit, Rabbit white Rabbit." Never heard it that way! Hmmmm. I know I have to fix it with the backwards chant. Whilst I do that I might as well spin around 3 times and throw salt over my shoulder. If I could only remember what shoulder it is to throw salt over...........
May all your Rabbits Be Merry and Black...

Happy December!! :)